Why I Can’t Skip Our Weekly Team Meetings (And Neither Should You)

Understand why weekly check-ins are essential for keeping remote teams engaged, aligned, and working efficiently together.

Why I Can’t Skip Our Weekly Team Meetings (And Neither Should You)

Let me tell you—working remotely has been a total game-changer for me. No more rush hour traffic, and I get to work in my comfy clothes—what’s not to love?

But, I’ll be honest: one of the biggest challenges I faced early on was keeping my team connected, motivated, and aligned when we weren’t all in the same space.

At first, I thought weekly meetings were just another box to tick off—a formality.

But after a while, I realized they’re the glue that holds everything together.

And now? I consider them absolutely non-negotiable.

If you’re leading a remote team like I am, here’s why making time for that weekly check-in has become my secret weapon for success.

Learn how weekly meetings keep remote teams aligned, accountable, and connected for optimal performance.

1. It’s the Anchor that Keeps Us Aligned

In a remote environment, it's so easy for team members to go off in different directions, especially when everyone is juggling their own schedules. When we come together each week, it’s like hitting the reset button. We go over what’s been done, what's coming up, and any adjustments we need to make to stay on track. It sounds simple, but without this, we’d be constantly playing catch-up.

These weekly meetings give everyone clarity—on priorities, deadlines, and how their work fits into the bigger picture. I can’t tell you how much smoother everything runs when we all have that same roadmap.

2. It Fosters Trust and Accountability

Let’s be real: in a remote environment, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks, and without regular communication, team members can feel disconnected. These weekly meetings help eliminate that. Every person has the chance to update the team on what they’re working on, and it creates a sense of accountability—not just to me, but to each other.

But it’s not just about tracking tasks. These meetings show the team that I’m invested in their work and success. It builds trust on both sides, which is incredibly important when you’re not sitting next to each other every day.

3. Real-Time Conversations Beat Slack Any Day

Don’t get me wrong, I love tools like Slack and email as much as the next person, but sometimes you just need a real-time conversation. There’s only so much you can solve in a Slack thread. When we hop on our weekly calls, we can hash things out in real-time, give feedback, and brainstorm ideas together.

I’ve lost count of how many lightbulb moments have come from these conversations. We can talk through challenges and opportunities in a way that just doesn’t happen over email or chat. These meetings help us be more efficient, more creative, and more collaborative.

4. It’s a Morale Booster (Even Virtually)

One of the toughest things about remote work is that it can feel lonely. Sure, we’re all working toward the same goals, but when you’re sitting at home alone, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the bigger picture. Our weekly meetings are a chance to break that isolation. We start each one with a little bit of personal sharing—how’s everyone’s week been? Any small wins to celebrate? It’s a small gesture, but it keeps us feeling like a team, even when we’re scattered across different cities (and sometimes time zones).

And you know what? I’ve found that the more personal and casual we make these check-ins, the stronger our team culture becomes. It’s those little moments—whether it's a quick laugh or a team member sharing something about their day—that build camaraderie. And trust me, that’s something you want to nurture when you’re remote.

5. Keeps Projects Moving Forward (And Prevents Surprises)

You know that feeling when a project suddenly hits a snag because something was missed weeks ago? Yeah, I’ve been there too. That’s where these weekly meetings come in. They help us flag potential problems early and find solutions before they snowball into bigger issues. We can quickly course-correct if something’s not working, or if someone’s struggling with a task. It also gives the team a chance to ask for help or resources when they need it—something that might get overlooked otherwise.

In the long run, these weekly meetings actually save time because we’re preventing fires rather than putting them out.

6. It’s My Chance to Listen and Support My Team

These weekly meetings are just as important for me as they are for the team. It’s my chance to listen—really listen to what’s going on. Whether someone is feeling stuck, has a brilliant idea, or just needs a bit of encouragement, this is the moment where I can step in and support them.

Leadership in a remote setting isn’t about micromanaging, but about being available and present, even when you’re not physically there. These meetings give me the opportunity to show that I’m here for my team in a way that’s meaningful.

So, if you’re managing a remote team (or thinking about it), I highly recommend carving out time for that weekly check-in. It’s more than just a meeting—it’s the pulse of your team. It’s where trust is built, collaboration happens, and momentum is kept alive.

For me, it’s become one of the most important things I do every week, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Till next time,


P.S. Do you have a routine for staying connected with your team? I’d love to hear what’s been working for you!