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Why Getting a Trusted Advisor Was the Best Decision I Made for My Business

Learn how working with a trusted advisor helped me prioritize, focus, and achieve business milestones faster.

Why Getting a Trusted Advisor Was the Best Decision I Made for My Business

Ever felt like you're hitting a wall in your business?

A few years ago, I realized that no matter how much experience I had or how many hours I put in, there were blind spots in my decisions. I needed someone who could see things from an outside perspective—someone who could help me avoid those costly mistakes and guide me through the storms that come with running a business.

Enter the business advisor.

When I first started working with one, I was hesitant. Let’s face it, handing over the reins or inviting someone into the inner workings of your business is no easy task. But what I found was that having an advisor isn’t about letting someone else steer the ship; it’s about getting expert navigation as you take the wheel. A great advisor becomes a partner in your success, someone invested in your vision and your growth, but with the ability to see beyond the day-to-day challenges that often cloud your judgment.

I can't stress enough how much value I've gotten from having someone in my corner who isn't involved in the daily grind. They bring a fresh perspective, seasoned experience, and can be a sounding board for those big, “What do I do now?” moments. My advisor has been like a mix of coach, cheerleader, and sometimes, that tough-love voice I didn't know I needed. And honestly, that tough-love voice has been crucial—because sometimes you need someone to tell you the hard truths you might not want to hear but need to face for growth.

How a Trusted Advisor Became My Strategy Partner for Success

One of the most significant shifts I experienced with an advisor was learning to prioritize. It's easy to get bogged down in the weeds—trying to do everything at once and getting overwhelmed. I learned that saying "no" to certain tasks or ideas was just as powerful as saying "yes." My advisor helped me zoom out, prioritize what actually moves the needle, and gave me the confidence to make hard decisions quicker. When I felt like I was spinning my wheels on decisions that seemed impossible, their clear-headed insight cut through the noise and got me moving in the right direction.

Here’s what I've learned:

  • Accountability Matters: When you're running a business, sometimes you can let things slide. A good advisor will hold you to your word, pushing you toward the goals you set out for yourself. They won’t let you off the hook, but they’ll also be there to celebrate every win—big or small.

  • It's All About Perspective: You might think you know your business inside out—and you do—but having a third-party perspective can shine a light on opportunities or challenges that you might not see. They’ll ask the tough questions and challenge assumptions, often revealing blind spots or overlooked opportunities that make a world of difference.

  • The Power of a Sounding Board: Venting to someone who gets it is a game-changer. My advisor has been that patient listener, letting me unravel my thoughts. And more often than not, I've found that just talking through challenges leads me to a solution I couldn’t see before. It’s like having a strategic partner who doesn’t just listen—they guide.

  • Experience Over Emotions: I’ve had moments when decisions felt clouded by emotion—whether it's frustration, excitement, or even fear. My advisor’s experience brought a sense of calm and clarity. They help separate fact from feeling, which has been instrumental in making decisions that are best for the business.

  • Connections Open Doors: Advisors come with their own network, and being able to leverage those connections can be incredibly powerful. Whether it's introducing you to potential partners, investors, or even just sharing best practices from other industries, the right advisor can open doors you never knew existed.

If you’re wondering whether you need a business advisor, consider where you want your business to go. If you want to get there faster, with fewer bumps along the way, I'd say go for it. It’s not about having all the answers but having someone who knows the right questions to ask you.

Let me know if you’re curious about how to find the right one—I’d be happy to share more of my experience and tips on what to look for.
